- The Ten Things from the film An Inconvenient Truth
- From the World Wildlife Fund: http://www.panda.org/how_you_can_help/at_home/
- From JustGive.org: http://www.justgive.org/html/guide/50waysenvironment.html.
- The David Suzuki Foundation: http://www.davidsuzuki.org
- Canadian Living Magazine's April 2007 Green Challenge 2007 list: http://www.canadianliving.com/upload/CanadianLiving/generateur/GreenChallenge.gif
- From the Sierra Club: http://www.sierraclub.org/globalwarming/tenthings/#top (References are to the United States but are equally applicable to Canada – global warming knows no boundaries!)
- From Nova Scotia's Ecology Action Centre: http://www.ecologyaction.ca/climatechange/
- From EcoAction Teams, Earth Day Canada:
http://www.ecoactionteams.ca/ See the online guides at http://www.ecoactionteams.ca/resources/resources.cfm). - A new guide called Greening Your Community is available Teehugger.com: http://www.treehugger.com/.
Create Your Own Personal Action Plan
Print out the following lists of “things to do” and highlight all the actions you are already taking. Then choose which actions you want to take in future. Keep this list on the fridge or in some other conspicuous place so it becomes part of your new lifestyle. Make global warming reduction part of the new you!